
How To Repair A Weed Infested Lawn Naturally

The bad news is, there are a broad range of nasty common weed types which rear their ugly heads, right throughout the different seasons.

With our 'growing flavour' Spring at present in full flight, a lot of these common lawn weeds will be starting to thrive.

So, now is the time to get on tiptop of your common grass weeds earlier they actually take over!

The Pre-Emergent Solution

If y'all've recently laid a beautiful new lawn, your aim may be to terminate common weeds in their tracks, before they even get the take chances to start popping upwardly!

Or, you may only want to terminate commons weeds before they start to germinate within your existing lawn as the weather heats up, later on a period of Winter dormancy.

In either example, the perfect pre-emergent solution is Lawn Solutions Oxafert !

Lawn Solutions OxaFert Herbicide & Fertiliser is a pre-emergent herbicide that you can use to control many almanac and common broad-leaf weeds that tend to emerge in warm season turf.

A pre-emergent herbicide targets weed seeds before they germinate, by forming a barrier down at soil level that affects the germination of any new seedlings.

Lawn Solutions Oxafert is a granular herbicide, which when applied forms a moving-picture show at the base of operations of your turf.

Applying Oaxfert Weed Pre-Emergent Herbicide

This pic kills any new weed seed formation, ensuring that your lawn remains free from common weeds Summer Grass, Winter Grass, Crow's Foot, Creeping Oxalis and others.

NOTE: Lawn Solutions Oxafert will not kill existing weeds, it is purely used to prevent weeds from actualization.

Lawn Solutions Oxafert will not harm healthy turf, nor volition information technology inhibit root growth or recovery from damage.

To purchase your Lawn Solutions Oxafert on our website, click here .

The 15 infinitesimal transmission prepare

As soon as mutual weeds start popping upwardly in your backyard, it'south best to take activity straight away, before they get out of control!

If you've noticed a few weeds pop up hither and there, so you may be just in time to tackle them manually.

Yous can help the revival of your lawn by taking just a quick 15 minutes every couple of weeks to remove and weeds that you see past paw.

The flim-flam is to identify and remove the weeds equally early as possible – when they are immature, small and easy to pull out by hand.

TIP: Many small common weeds tin can exist carefully pulled out past hand. Withal, you demand to make sure you accept removed the roots too.

Using a gardening tool such as a weeding trowel or a long handled mechanical device, and prizing around the roots before pulling the weed out should assist ensure full removal.

The larger the weeds become, the quicker they can spread, and the harder information technology can go to command them. If they prepare seed, they can quickly spread all over your lawn.

The bigger the weed, the bigger and stronger the roots, and in some cases – a weed spray may be necessary.

Additionally, what you can do to assistance go on your grass gratuitous from weeds, is cheque your soil, aerate and top clothes if it is needing a food boost come Jump.

Mow regularly and fertilise, and if weeds are still an issue you may demand to look into a weed spray.

NOTE: If yous mow over a lawn that has weeds in it, you could be spreading the weeds throughout your lawn through contamination.

Tackling weeds that are beyond manual removal

If your lawn is past the stage of manual weed removal, and common weeds have more or so taken over, then you have 2 options:

A weed spray

For cases where the weed infiltration has exceeded manual removal, accept to a weed killing spray which will promote lawn growth to help it repair.

There are various herbicides available, including selective and non-selective.

Non-selective products kill most plants (including your lawn), whereas selective herbicides target specific weeds only.

To combat common lawn weeds such as Bindii, Creeping Oxalis, Catsear, Clover, Cudweed and Dandelion, All Purpose Weed Control is the perfect solution.

Spraying with All Purpose Weed Control

Wintertime Grass usually begins germinating in your soil in May, and you will start to encounter it emerging inside your turf in late May and June and continue to spread throughout the Winter months.

Winter Grass tin can usually be removed very easily by hand, as it doesn't have particularly deep roots and information technology doesn't have whatever runners, just growing in unproblematic clumps.

Even so, removing information technology by hand tin be somewhat tedious – so fortunately there are specifically targeted herbicide controls you tin employ, such every bit Amgrow Chemspray Wintertime Grass Killer .

A highly constructive herbicide – the 100ml package supplied is plenty to threat 200m² of grass, and volition break downwards naturally after application leaving no residue.

TIP: It is strongly recommended that you consult your local nursery or turf expert to properly identify the weed in question outset, and then y'all can care for it with an appropriate and effective spray.

You will also need to cheque the suitability of the selected herbicide product for apply on your backyard type. For example, many are not suitable for buffalo lawns.

Also, recall to always carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions on the pack!

Or if the weeds have well and truly taken over and your lawn is beyond help…

Replace your backyard

If tough weeds like Oxalis, Crab Weed, Nutgrass, Cudweed etc. accept well and truly taken over and your lawn is needing a real make over to get it to maximum health and looking pristine, it may be best to accept up your existing lawn and lay a new one.

If at the stage where y'all are looking to supercede your lawn – one of the superior qualities of Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo turf is its tight growth habit, which supports its ability to agree out most mutual weeds.

To become our expert communication on weed preventatives, weed control or new lawns, give our friendly squad here at Cobbitty Lawn Turf a call today on (02) 4651 0000!


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